CREDIT TO: HK90 *thanks preet*
PROOF READ BY CHEESEMAD {I love my life saver}
32. Adventurous Night PART 1
Khushi got back to Gupta mansion in the evening after spending quality time with Arnav, but her face was gloomy and eyes were unfocused, Sana’s word were still disturbing her.
Muje farq kyun padta hai {why does it matter} if he slept with her
She was still in trance while walking to her room, as unfocused she was, she didn’t see Payal coming towards her and collided with her, Payal balanced her by holding her forearms
Khushi are you OK? You were with Arnav right, don’t tell me, you two fought again Payal said with a teasing smile, trying to rile up Khushi
Jiji I will talk to you later, I want to rest for some time, see you later saying that Khushi half ran and half walked towards her room leaving a worried Payal
I need to talk to her, before we lose her again Payal thought
Khushi was exhausted, after her little encounter with Payal Khushi came to her room, changed, and slept, she was in deep slumber when some disturbing scenes again started haunting her dreams
Listen to me, he is wrong, her is trying to separate us
I can’t see you with anyone, YOU ARE MINE
I LOVE YOU......
Go from here, I need time to think
You will regret when you will realize, but alas I will be not there with you
Khushi... Khushi... please... I am sorry.... Khushi
Khushi sat up on bed shouting, she was sweating, her eyes widened, her breath hitched, her body trembling, even though she didn’t know how to interpret her own dream, but one fact that got registered in her mind was.... she shouted his name
Why I shouted his name, is Arnav is the man who always comes in my dream, is he my protector
She thought, again trying to remember her dream exactly, but failed, she only remembered tit-bit of it, someone was accusing her, she was pleading, then the man confessed his love and then came her scream, she was still in her thoughts when her room door cracked open slowly, and a smiling Payal entered the room
Relief washed over Khushi, she got down from bed and ran towards Payal and hugged her like her life depends on her, and Payal caressed her back, soothing her tense muscle
Jiji, I am so confused, these dreams had always haunted me, but today..... Jiji how is Arnav related to my past
Khushi asked and noticed how Payal stopped caressing her back, Payal looked down at her small sister, and smiled, she knew how confused she was, and she wishes she could help, but that is not her part to do, she had already committed a big sin by separating Khushi from Arnav, and now she didn’t want to interfere.
Wish to talk about it? Payal asked and Khushi nodded Then tell me why are you suddenly thinking this, I am observing you from days now, you seem disturb, now tell me, I will try to help you out
Jiji, that Sana.... (Choke) she told me about her and Arnav’s past..... Khushi gulped trying to the pain rising in her chest but before she could have continued Payal cut in
They have no past, Arnav bhai has nothing to do with her Payal replied confidently
She said there was a girl, he was in love with, he had hurt her that's why she had left him and then he slept with Sana to forget her.... I don’t believe her, but I don’t know why it hurts a lot, I don’t know why I get this feeling that some where I am related to him Khushi said desperately wanting Payal to understand her inner turmoil, Payal sighed
See Khushi, firstly don’t believe Sana, she is not worth it, and about Arnav’s past, it’s his thing to tell you, I won’t interfere, but one thing I would like to say that past is past, but in your case, you have to face your past again to see your future, I had done my shares of mistakes and I am getting the punishment too, you will know everything one day, I just hope you will forgive me Payal said looking down
Jiji, I don’t know what to do, can’t you just tell me and get over with it Khushi whimpered
As I said it is not my thing to tell, as for my mistakes, I don’t want you to know everything this soon, everything has a time, but always remember Khushi, I love you a lot, we love you a lot, he loves.... Payal stopped herself
You don’t need to say, I don't have my memories, I want to know about that girl who was in Arnav's life, jiji he is more than a friend to me, I don't know what he feels for me.... But I can't tolerate his pain.... Jiji I need to see him now Khushi said and bolted towards gate taking her car keys
Wait SD, are you mad, you slept for a very long time, and now it 3 am in the morning, he will freak out.... And what will to you say or ask him? Payal asked with a bewildered expression
I will not say or ask anything, he will tell me when he wants to but right now I just need to see him Khushi said with unfathomable expression
You need security... Payal argued
As if I care jiji, now bye Khushi ran out before Payal could have argued more
Payal sighed stupid girl doesn’t even think about how she would enter his room
She took out her phone and dialed Aakash’s number, he picked up after two three rings
Hello Payal, missing me baby, are you high on your hormones again, but I gave you five most amazing organisms a day before, craving for more Aakash said groggily
Shut up, now go open the front door, Khushi is coming, give her spare keys of Arnav bhai’s room Payal said in one breath, and Aakash jumped out of the bed
What (looking at the watch) is she mad, she is coming here at this hour that too alone, are you both out of your mind Aakash asked in disbelief
Oh husband don’t forget that we had our shares of adventurous night, now it’s their turn, did you forget how you used to sneak into my room through window to have some make out session with me she said giggling
Ya and how Khushi had caught us in a scandalous position they both laughed thinking about their past but soon mellowed down when their present reality slapped them on their face
Payal ... Aakash whispered
Hmm, I am listening Payal said
Everything will be OK, I promise, Khushi will be OK, Bhai will be OK, they will be OK, we will be OK Aakash said
I know, I love you, now go and open the door before that bundle of trouble do something Payal said laughing
OK but what do I get for helping you Aakash asked naughtily
In our flat within one hour Payal hissed sexily
On my way Aakash said hurriedly and cut the call
Arnav and Khushi got home after spending a blissful night together in each other arms, touching each other in every possible way, they drove back towards each other’s house, Arnav left Khushi in her house but not before ravishing her lips, and whispering challenges that how he would carry her to his room when she would come to RM today
Khushi gave him a we-will-see-it look and bid him bye, Arnav parked his car in front of RM, he got down humming Khushi’s favorite song, he was smiling, but soon his smile dropped when he thought about Khushi, he hurriedly took out his phone and called her
Tum thik ho na he asked huskily in way that sent tingling sensation in whole body of Khushi
I am perfectly fine, why are you asking this? She asked
No actually I thought you would feel some pain after last night, should we visit a doctor he asked worriedly
No hubby I am perfectly fine, it’s just a sweet pain that will ebb away once I see you Khushi said and sighed
I will be waiting, come soon Arnav said and kept the call smiling unaware of two raged eyes observing him
Arnav felt someone looking at him, and looked around and spotted Karan, standing a far holding a brown envelope, Karan smirked when he saw Arnav eyeing the envelope he was holding
What are you doing here Arnav asked calmly as he saw Karan moving towards him
Well Arnav Bhai.... Karan started
Don’t call me that, Its Arnav or ASR for you Arnav replied in a dangerous low tone
Well, Arnav I am here to take what is mine Karan stated
What do you mean Arnav asked and Karan gave the parcel to him, Arnav started to open it when Karan stopped him
Can we move in, as the kind of reaction you are about to give should not be displayed publicly Karan said smirking
Arnav confused moved inside the house and saw Payal and Anjali waiting for them in the living room
Di, what happened, Payal is everything OK, is Khushi OK? Arnav asked suddenly worried, he had a bad feeling for what was about to happen, he needs Khushi, he thought desperately
You don’t have to worry about her chotey, now you should know that she is not a child anymore, she has her own choice Anjali stated rudely
I know she is not a child anymore, but suddenly what happened, why you so rude, why Payal is glaring at me, can someone please tell me what the hell is happening? Arnav shouted pissed to the core
She loves Karan Payal answered
Excuse me Arnav said shocked
You heard her chotey Anjali said
Enough of the jokes, I am tired, I am going to my room Arnav said in a controlled voice and started moving upstairs in his room when Karan statement made him halt on his way
She loves me, she is mine Karan shouted
Arnav turned, his jaw clenched, palm clenched into fist, ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA was never this angry.
Do you want me to show you how you will look with broken bones Arnav hissed
Anjali tried to interrupt Chotey...
Enough one more word against her, I will forget you are my sister... And believe me I will not regret it Arnav said it slowly, with a dangerous gleam in his eyes that made Anjali stagger back and Payal gasp with horror
But Anjali was blind, she thought Arnav was not perfect for their Khushi, she thought Arnav tortures Khushi, and then with determination she did the most horrible thing
I have proof chotey, see the pictures that... I have clicked... I hope you will believe your sister now Anjali said
You both will regret
Aakash’s voice rang in Payal’s ear, I think we should stop Anji di
No.... I will not, we have to save her Anjlai argued
And what if Karan is lying Payal uttered with a horrid face when she saw Arnav striding towards Karan to take the photos
Anjali gasped, they didn’t have thought about it, what if Arnav and Khushi loved each other, what if Khushi was happy with Arnav, what if Karan was lying to them, and then she saw her brother sank down holding the photos where Khushi and Karan were kissing and laughing
And suddenly Anjali doubted her judgment, she was trembling and from the corners of her eyes she saw Aakash approaching Arnav, running towards him,
Bhai Aakash ran towards Arnav throwing a disgusting look towards Payal and Anjali
But it was late.... too late... Arnav’s whole history rushed back in front of his eyes, his uncle’s deceit, his lust towards his mother, his parent’s death, his brother’s death, and last the photo of Karan and Khushi, and against his better judgment he saw the worst, his heart decided to take a back seat and his brain only registered the word “DECEIT”
Why Khushi.... why? He muttered
Aakash looked at Arnav, slumped down beside him, Aakash tried to get his attention, but when Arnav looked at him, Aakash felt his blood turned cold, the hardness in Arnav’s eyes sent chill in his whole body, and that was day when Aakash predicted that yet again this RAIZADA family would witness another history
He looked at the destroyers of Arnav and Khushi, his Bhai’s and bacha’s. He looked at them with hatred, one was his wife, and another was his sister

CREDIT TO: HK90 *thanks preet*
PROOF READ BY CHEESEMAD {I love my life saver}
32. Adventurous Night PART 1
Khushi got back to Gupta mansion in the evening after spending quality time with Arnav, but her face was gloomy and eyes were unfocused, Sana’s word were still disturbing her.
Muje farq kyun padta hai {why does it matter} if he slept with her
She was still in trance while walking to her room, as unfocused she was, she didn’t see Payal coming towards her and collided with her, Payal balanced her by holding her forearms
Khushi are you OK? You were with Arnav right, don’t tell me, you two fought again Payal said with a teasing smile, trying to rile up Khushi
Jiji I will talk to you later, I want to rest for some time, see you later saying that Khushi half ran and half walked towards her room leaving a worried Payal
I need to talk to her, before we lose her again Payal thought
Khushi was exhausted, after her little encounter with Payal Khushi came to her room, changed, and slept, she was in deep slumber when some disturbing scenes again started haunting her dreams
Listen to me, he is wrong, her is trying to separate us
I can’t see you with anyone, YOU ARE MINE
I LOVE YOU......
Go from here, I need time to think
You will regret when you will realize, but alas I will be not there with you
Khushi... Khushi... please... I am sorry.... Khushi
Khushi sat up on bed shouting, she was sweating, her eyes widened, her breath hitched, her body trembling, even though she didn’t know how to interpret her own dream, but one fact that got registered in her mind was.... she shouted his name
Why I shouted his name, is Arnav is the man who always comes in my dream, is he my protector
She thought, again trying to remember her dream exactly, but failed, she only remembered tit-bit of it, someone was accusing her, she was pleading, then the man confessed his love and then came her scream, she was still in her thoughts when her room door cracked open slowly, and a smiling Payal entered the room
Relief washed over Khushi, she got down from bed and ran towards Payal and hugged her like her life depends on her, and Payal caressed her back, soothing her tense muscle
Jiji, I am so confused, these dreams had always haunted me, but today..... Jiji how is Arnav related to my past
Khushi asked and noticed how Payal stopped caressing her back, Payal looked down at her small sister, and smiled, she knew how confused she was, and she wishes she could help, but that is not her part to do, she had already committed a big sin by separating Khushi from Arnav, and now she didn’t want to interfere.
Wish to talk about it? Payal asked and Khushi nodded Then tell me why are you suddenly thinking this, I am observing you from days now, you seem disturb, now tell me, I will try to help you out
Jiji, that Sana.... (Choke) she told me about her and Arnav’s past..... Khushi gulped trying to the pain rising in her chest but before she could have continued Payal cut in
They have no past, Arnav bhai has nothing to do with her Payal replied confidently
She said there was a girl, he was in love with, he had hurt her that's why she had left him and then he slept with Sana to forget her.... I don’t believe her, but I don’t know why it hurts a lot, I don’t know why I get this feeling that some where I am related to him Khushi said desperately wanting Payal to understand her inner turmoil, Payal sighed
See Khushi, firstly don’t believe Sana, she is not worth it, and about Arnav’s past, it’s his thing to tell you, I won’t interfere, but one thing I would like to say that past is past, but in your case, you have to face your past again to see your future, I had done my shares of mistakes and I am getting the punishment too, you will know everything one day, I just hope you will forgive me Payal said looking down
Jiji, I don’t know what to do, can’t you just tell me and get over with it Khushi whimpered
As I said it is not my thing to tell, as for my mistakes, I don’t want you to know everything this soon, everything has a time, but always remember Khushi, I love you a lot, we love you a lot, he loves.... Payal stopped herself
You don’t need to say, I don't have my memories, I want to know about that girl who was in Arnav's life, jiji he is more than a friend to me, I don't know what he feels for me.... But I can't tolerate his pain.... Jiji I need to see him now Khushi said and bolted towards gate taking her car keys
Wait SD, are you mad, you slept for a very long time, and now it 3 am in the morning, he will freak out.... And what will to you say or ask him? Payal asked with a bewildered expression
I will not say or ask anything, he will tell me when he wants to but right now I just need to see him Khushi said with unfathomable expression
You need security... Payal argued
As if I care jiji, now bye Khushi ran out before Payal could have argued more
Payal sighed stupid girl doesn’t even think about how she would enter his room
She took out her phone and dialed Aakash’s number, he picked up after two three rings
Hello Payal, missing me baby, are you high on your hormones again, but I gave you five most amazing organisms a day before, craving for more Aakash said groggily
Shut up, now go open the front door, Khushi is coming, give her spare keys of Arnav bhai’s room Payal said in one breath, and Aakash jumped out of the bed
What (looking at the watch) is she mad, she is coming here at this hour that too alone, are you both out of your mind Aakash asked in disbelief
Oh husband don’t forget that we had our shares of adventurous night, now it’s their turn, did you forget how you used to sneak into my room through window to have some make out session with me she said giggling
Ya and how Khushi had caught us in a scandalous position they both laughed thinking about their past but soon mellowed down when their present reality slapped them on their face
Payal ... Aakash whispered
Hmm, I am listening Payal said
Everything will be OK, I promise, Khushi will be OK, Bhai will be OK, they will be OK, we will be OK Aakash said
I know, I love you, now go and open the door before that bundle of trouble do something Payal said laughing
OK but what do I get for helping you Aakash asked naughtily
In our flat within one hour Payal hissed sexily
On my way Aakash said hurriedly and cut the call
Arnav and Khushi got home after spending a blissful night together in each other arms, touching each other in every possible way, they drove back towards each other’s house, Arnav left Khushi in her house but not before ravishing her lips, and whispering challenges that how he would carry her to his room when she would come to RM today
Khushi gave him a we-will-see-it look and bid him bye, Arnav parked his car in front of RM, he got down humming Khushi’s favorite song, he was smiling, but soon his smile dropped when he thought about Khushi, he hurriedly took out his phone and called her
Tum thik ho na he asked huskily in way that sent tingling sensation in whole body of Khushi
I am perfectly fine, why are you asking this? She asked
No actually I thought you would feel some pain after last night, should we visit a doctor he asked worriedly
No hubby I am perfectly fine, it’s just a sweet pain that will ebb away once I see you Khushi said and sighed
I will be waiting, come soon Arnav said and kept the call smiling unaware of two raged eyes observing him
Arnav felt someone looking at him, and looked around and spotted Karan, standing a far holding a brown envelope, Karan smirked when he saw Arnav eyeing the envelope he was holding
What are you doing here Arnav asked calmly as he saw Karan moving towards him
Well Arnav Bhai.... Karan started
Don’t call me that, Its Arnav or ASR for you Arnav replied in a dangerous low tone
Well, Arnav I am here to take what is mine Karan stated
What do you mean Arnav asked and Karan gave the parcel to him, Arnav started to open it when Karan stopped him
Can we move in, as the kind of reaction you are about to give should not be displayed publicly Karan said smirking
Arnav confused moved inside the house and saw Payal and Anjali waiting for them in the living room
Di, what happened, Payal is everything OK, is Khushi OK? Arnav asked suddenly worried, he had a bad feeling for what was about to happen, he needs Khushi, he thought desperately
You don’t have to worry about her chotey, now you should know that she is not a child anymore, she has her own choice Anjali stated rudely
I know she is not a child anymore, but suddenly what happened, why you so rude, why Payal is glaring at me, can someone please tell me what the hell is happening? Arnav shouted pissed to the core
She loves Karan Payal answered
Excuse me Arnav said shocked
You heard her chotey Anjali said
Enough of the jokes, I am tired, I am going to my room Arnav said in a controlled voice and started moving upstairs in his room when Karan statement made him halt on his way
She loves me, she is mine Karan shouted
Arnav turned, his jaw clenched, palm clenched into fist, ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA was never this angry.
Do you want me to show you how you will look with broken bones Arnav hissed
Anjali tried to interrupt Chotey...
Enough one more word against her, I will forget you are my sister... And believe me I will not regret it Arnav said it slowly, with a dangerous gleam in his eyes that made Anjali stagger back and Payal gasp with horror
But Anjali was blind, she thought Arnav was not perfect for their Khushi, she thought Arnav tortures Khushi, and then with determination she did the most horrible thing
I have proof chotey, see the pictures that... I have clicked... I hope you will believe your sister now Anjali said
You both will regret
Aakash’s voice rang in Payal’s ear, I think we should stop Anji di
No.... I will not, we have to save her Anjlai argued
And what if Karan is lying Payal uttered with a horrid face when she saw Arnav striding towards Karan to take the photos
Anjali gasped, they didn’t have thought about it, what if Arnav and Khushi loved each other, what if Khushi was happy with Arnav, what if Karan was lying to them, and then she saw her brother sank down holding the photos where Khushi and Karan were kissing and laughing
And suddenly Anjali doubted her judgment, she was trembling and from the corners of her eyes she saw Aakash approaching Arnav, running towards him,
Bhai Aakash ran towards Arnav throwing a disgusting look towards Payal and Anjali
But it was late.... too late... Arnav’s whole history rushed back in front of his eyes, his uncle’s deceit, his lust towards his mother, his parent’s death, his brother’s death, and last the photo of Karan and Khushi, and against his better judgment he saw the worst, his heart decided to take a back seat and his brain only registered the word “DECEIT”
Why Khushi.... why? He muttered
Aakash looked at Arnav, slumped down beside him, Aakash tried to get his attention, but when Arnav looked at him, Aakash felt his blood turned cold, the hardness in Arnav’s eyes sent chill in his whole body, and that was day when Aakash predicted that yet again this RAIZADA family would witness another history
He looked at the destroyers of Arnav and Khushi, his Bhai’s and bacha’s. He looked at them with hatred, one was his wife, and another was his sister
33. Adventurous Night PART 2
Khushi stopped her car on the pavement in
front of the Mansion's gate; she was shocked when the guards let her in without
any qualm, she was in her PJs and a pink short top on which a slogan was
written "I heat things up"
But then it stuck her, how the hell was she going
to enter in the house now, she didn't think about it, she couldn't call Arnav
because she wanted to surprise him... really! she started biting her nails, she couldn't
even call in the house number, she was in a mess
Why it
always happens with me DM Khushi asked looking up as if DM was sitting
above on the sky drinking late night coffee
She was still racking her brain, when she saw
a figure with blanket wrapped around it approaching her, her eyes widened with
fear, and she started chanting her deity's name and all kind of Mantras to keep
ghosts away from her, she closed her eyes completely and pretended to sleep,
she had heard somewhere that ghost spares those who sleeps, but they kill the
person who stays awake
normal humans can't sleep like this, in a standing position Aakash
stated, he knew her from childhood, she always had her weird philosophy
Khushi opened her eyes hearing familiar voice,
and got a glimpse of specks, she instantly recognized it as her Aakash jiju
Wait, what? Aakash jiju? Why I suddenly
called him as my jiju as if I am used to calling him that Khushi
If you
are done talking to yourself please take this key, it's spare keys of Bhai's
room, go all the best saying this Aakash started to move towards
his car when Khushi ran to him and stood in front of him
Wait a
second, how do you know I was coming here, that to meet Arnav, and where are
you going like thief, don't tell me you work as a thief per time Khushi
said with a bewildered expression, making Aakash drop the blanket off him, he
opened his car and chucked the blanket in it
informed me about your late night adventure, and blackmailed me for helping
you, now can I go Aakash asked with boring expression
are you going Khushi interrogated further Secret girlfriend haan she asked mischievously.
No I am
going to meet my wife Aakash stated shrugging
funny, and I am going to meet my husband, bye Khushi said and tip toed towards the gate,
and sneakily entered in the house, only of she knew that how right she said what she said
Aakash looked at her back smiling, and shook
his head she is perfect for bhai he
Chotey... Anjlai said with quiver in her voice, she
wanted to go to him but one stern look from Aakash stopped her
Were you saying right or did you lie to us Payal whispered going near Karan
It's up to you what you want to think, I
didn't force anyone to believe me, I said and you believed, that's it, I am not
to blame here Payal Karan
said looking at a broken Arnav who was sitting on his knees staring at the
photos scattered in from of him
gasped hearing Karan's words, she stumbled back when she realized how wrongly
they had acted, they had committed a sin, they broke their promises to protect
their siblings, and moreover they had snatched the love from their siblings
life, what would they do now?
Bhai, don't believe in anything, first ask
Khushi Aakash
clutched Arnav's shoulders to get his attention, Arnav slowly turned his head
towards Aakash, with a pained eyes he gulped looking at him, Aakash died a
thousand deaths when he saw his brother's pained expression
Is di lying, she said she has witnessed
this... Arnav
said in a broken voice
Everything has two sides bhai, you know bacha
can never do that Aakash said,
hearing this Anjali widened her eyes, she feared that Aakash would tell Arnav
everything, she couldn't lose her brother whom she loved like a mother, so to
save herself she lied again
Yes chotey, this... this photos are real Anjali stammered and said but when she heard
Payal gasp she turned towards her, Payal shook her head to stop her from
messing the matter more, but stopped when Arnav stood up and walked towards
Anjali, Payal gulped in fear and tried to talk to Arnav when he signaled her not to speak anything
stopped an inch away from Anjali, looking dangerously into her eyes, he caught her
elbow and asked her again Di don't lie
to me, tell me if you are saying this under someone's influence, I will ask you
one last time, I trust Khushi but I know you are my di and you will never lie
to me, so tell me, are these pictures true?
tried to get Anjali's attention, so that she could stop her but all went vain, and
to save herself in eyes of Arnav, Anjali lied again Believe me Arnav, Khushi is happy with Karan...
couldn't say more because Arnav had her neck between his palm, pressing it to
the death Truth, I want truth Anjali
coughed, her eyes widened in disbelief, she couldn't believe that her small
brother would be ready to kill her for Khushi, even in that situation there
were a lot of thoughts that crossed her
Was she
wrong in believing Karan?
Karan capable of deceiving them?
Karan stoop so low?
Arnav and Khushi were really in love
Bhai... bhai leave her Aakash ran towards Arnav who was standing
clutching Anjali's neck, he struggled but freed Anjali from Arnav's grasp, he
held Arnav back, panic evident in his face, the manic and unusual expression on
Arnav's face was frightening them... His expression and strength seemed
want truth, Aakash tell her to say the truth Arnav shouted, by now Karan was white with fear, Payal panicked at
started telling the truth but Anjali stopped her I don't want to lose him, please
Payal, please Anjali whispered with tears of regret in her eyes
You are being selfish Payal accused her
Please for my sake, please Anjali whimpered
Stop talking to her di, answer me, I want the
truth Arnav
Karan showed us the photo of his and Khushi
and we thought that they are together, but he said you will react badly so I
decided to take the matter in my hand, that's it, we don't know anything else Anjali lied, Payal looked at Anjali with an
amused expression and Karan face went more pale
What... what are you saying Karan spluttered looking at Anjali, sudden
change of situation got him in shock, his game was spoiled but he was still
wondering that why Anjali lied
looked at Anjali with disgust and Payal with remorse who was shaken up, Arnav
looked more broken Sorry di, I was not
myself... It just Khushi is mine, I can't stand if anyone talks poorly about
her, I am sorry for my behavior, I love you and I trust my Khushi but... leave me alone; you all leave me alone, Aakash
I don't want to talk to anyone
nodded, Arnav started to move towards the stairs when Karan's voice stopped him
again Don't avoid it Arnav, she loves me
With a
groan he turned and ran towards Karan, he grabbed his collar, lifted him up
from the ground and threw him on the ground, all this happened so fast that no
one could decipher any moment
was unable to move from his place, he took a step back seeing the mad rage in
Arnav's eyes, Anjali and Payal were trembling with fear, they all came back out
of their terror when they saw Arnav kicking Karan with abundance, but before
they could have stopped a panic filled voice pierced their surroundings.
Arnav Khushi screamed when she saw Blood sputtering Karan lying on the floor
and a mad with rage Arnav kicking him Arnav
stop she ran towards him and held his hand but Arnav pushed her away
She is mine... She. Is. Mine Arnav screamed continually kicking him, not
able to stop Arnav, Khushi sat down covering Karan with her body
Stop please stop, Arnav please stop Khushi sobbed and screamed
But her
action paralyzed Arnav, he halted in middle with his leg in air, he looked at
Khushi down covering Karan with her body and then he looked at the photos.
No... No he stumbled back
closed his eyes as he saw the scene in front of him.
Khushi opened the door of Arnav's room and
stepped inside the house with hush steps, she looked around the room which was dimly
lighted, her eager eyes tried to find the desired person and found him sleeping
like a baby in the middle of the bed
I will
just see him, ensure that he is OK then I will go pinky promise Devi maiyya Khushi
looked up promising her deity
Her eyes shifted when she saw Arnav's face
turned towards her, he was sleeping on his stomach, with his face towards her,
his lips were slightly open, hair ruffled, and she slowly stepped towards his
bed and sat on the bed, she smiled when she saw him sleeping like a baby but
her smile finished when she studied his expression carefully.
Something was missing in his face; peace...
yes peace was missing, but why, may be
for his parents coming death anniversary she tried to reason but she knew
something big was disturbing him, she didn't know how his parents died, could
she be connected with him in any way in her past.
She questioned herself and found herself more
confused, shaking her head she focused on her present, I will not let anything ruin my present, I eventually have to face my
past, but right now it can rest.
She looked at Arnav's face and touched his
nose with her fingers lightly brushing it, smiling and enjoying, she lost
herself in the moment, she didn't even know what she was doing neither she
cared to know and justify her action.
But soon she was roughly pulled out of her
reverie when Arnav's hand covered her, pulled her down and came on top of her,
and then their eyes clashed